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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The obstinate making the blind

In the latest edition of Moore Matters: the Moore College bulletin, Dr Woodhouse makes the statement:

Today's atheistic secularists consistently assume that the future of the human race will be the complete triumph of secularism and the abolition of every kind of belief in God...

Now, why would they assume that?

It might be because they have said in their heart that there is no God. Now, what does that mean "there is no God"?

As God's chief credential, repeated throughout the Bible, is that he is creator, then it must mean that there is no creator: secular humanism claws after neodarwinian evolution to provide evidence for its rejection of God.

But SADists adopt the same end result: the universe as it appears was made from other things that are within the universe (contrary to Hebrews 11:3) and so is identical to a universe made without God; effectively, to all appearances, then, they must say that there is 'virtually' no God.

Are the SADists then found out to be fools of the Psalm 14:1 variety?

Just for the record, I should add that Dr Woodhouse, the principal of Moore College, once debated on the veracity of Genesis 1. He exhibited in this debate (at Christ Church St Ives) a degree of biblical illiteracy that is astonishing for an OT scholar. He seemed to think that the Bible had multiple creation accounts! He seemed to include the psalms in his list. Hmm, odd!


Critias said...

Why would they side with the world and deny the Bible? Perhaps they are fools in their heart, after all; if they extol the world's 'god' at the expense of the God of the Bible.

Healyhatman said...

Is that irnoy, when you say "He seemed to think that the bible had multiple creation accounts!" ? It is, sometimes, hard to tell in an electronic print medium. If it was irony, fine. If it's not, well there are two slightly different versions of the same creation story in Genesis...

Ktisophilos said...

Yawn, stretch, see the articles under Is there an irreconcilable difference in the order of creation (e.g. mankind, animals, plants) between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2?.