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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Stained history

One of my nephews brought me his church news leaflet today (Sunday) and I was interested to see an advert for a talk on stained glass (what they get up to on the North Shore!) wherein it says: "Before recorded history man learned to make glass and colour it."

What a challenge to biblical history: it implies that the Bible's history starts after man! It suggests that the history from creation in the Bible is not true history: has no concrete content! I wonder if the church really believes this or has simply swallowed materialism's frame of reference: that there extends prior to writing aeons of un-timed history?

It really says, then, that when it touches on the real world, the world we are in, the Bible is unreliable and has nothing to say that is within the dimensions of our life-experience.

The Bible talks of very early craftsmen: Tubal-cain for example. I wouldn't say that he'd have anything to do with glass, but was glass invented and coloured pre the era of conventional written history?

This particular church's comment is betrayed as being right in line with the comment on my previous post about the tacit, implicit and sometimes outright denial of the flood, just as Peter foreshadowed!

1 comment:

neil moore said...

Eric, if their focus is on stained glass windows then they are less inclined to be concerned about what the Word of God says.

Neil Moore