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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sydney Anglicans' Towering Erection of Babel Proportions

Sydney Anglicans led by Archbishop Peter Jensen who hold to the abhorrent Theistic Evolution view of origins are either wittingly or unwittingly contributing to one of the most flagrant acts of idolatry and usurping of the authority of God that the world has ever seen.

Their attributing to God of a creative process replete with frustrations, mutations, disease, suffering, survival of the fittest and death is an assertion that God could not or would not create pure and complete in the beginning.

These Sydney Anglicans have ventured out upon the branch of faith and commenced cutting the branch behind them. The Atheists see this and are just waiting for the whole Church to do likewise and come crashing down. Once the Church has done this the Christian faith will have no credible argument against Atheism. The very mechanism Charles Darwin saw as the ordering of life and which prompted him to reject the God of Bible will never pass muster as the way of a God of love and omnipotency.

Compounding the problem for Sydney Anglicans are developments in gene technology. Scientific advances in genetic engineering and cloning point to the day when man will create life leading to a living organ or being. We are talking here of tens of years of development not millions of years.
On that day of achievement, Sydney Anglicans must bow to the might of Man and surrender all credibility that the Christian Church had claimed for the 'God' of the Bible because Man will have done far more efficiently and timely what the Church had claimed 'God' had done over millions of years.

Advances in gene technology have all the potential to revisit upon the world the arrogance of man demonstrated at Babel (Gen. 11). The Church will be defenceless if it relies on a corrupt explanation of how God created.

However, the picture is not so bleak. The one true God is not the product of faulty imaginings of the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney and his followers. God will not submit to the elevation of man beyond his place. God will retain a remnant who will not bow the knee to Baal. Small it may be for a time but that remnant will survive and be blessed to multiply at the hand of the Lord. These are they who trust in the Word of God and will not reinterpret what God has clearly said.



Unknown said...

The SADs (I like the label) do so much manoevering around this topic, and fail to see how it liberates people. Biblical creation gives us a close, not a distant God, it gives us a very good creation (no ifs, no buts) and it puts us in touch with Christ, the creator. All out baby, bathwater and all an all, with the SADs. Pity!

Healyhatman said...

The Atheists see this and are just waiting for the whole Church to do likewise and come crashing down.

Wow you've found out our secret! All atheists are part of a combined global conspiracy that is trying to bring down the Anglican religion! Whatever will we do now?

Seriously, what makes you think atheists are sitting around talking amongst themselves saying "hey, did you catch the latest sermon from that Anglican pastor (bishop, whatever, who cares?) in Sydney? Hot Damn we're winning now! Lols! Roflses!" Atheists have better things to do than care about what a bunch of Christians are doing, as long as those Christians aren't preaching at them or trying to get religion stuffed into places it doesn't belong.

You ascribe far more importance to your petty religious differences than is truly warranted.

Finally, I still don't understand how you can call out those who ascribe to evolution and complain of it being diseased and mutated and full of death and still believe in biblical literalism. Have you READ the bible? There's a difference between the types of death: the natural one is uncaring, unbiased, neutral. The death bought about by your God in the Old Testament is willful, spiteful and filled with malice. Like how he gives the devil free reign to kill all of that guys family, his servants, his livestock, to destroy his home and infest the man with sores. Or when he drowns every man woman and CHILD on the planet. Malice and intent versus blind neutrality. And you try and claim naturalistic explanations are rife with pain and suffering?

neil moore said...

Actually, Healy, that humanity can live some form of a peaceful, healthy life for a time is due to the grace of God.

Humanity, left to itself is the most ruthless killer on earth and left alone will wipe out all life by any means available.

God has made it clear that at the time of the judgement of the flood every inclination of man's heart was evil all the time. All that Job had in terms of health, family and wealth came from the hand of God even though Job was a sinner just like you and I. He had faith in God and God allowed his faith to be tested - God knew that Job would pass the test. At the end of the test Job had even greater faith and appreciation of God. He has no problem with God at all and he would be concerned at your deriding God and using him as an example for your derision.

God could have just given up on the world but He submitted Himself in the Person of Jesus Christ to pay the price for our rebellion. He didn't have to do this but His love would have it no other way. He died for us so that we could enjoy God forever and experience no tears, suffering or death.

This is available to you as much as for me.

As for my comment in the blog about all Atheists waiting for the Church to capitulate on a particular point - don't take that part too seriously because I don't know the mind of every Atheist.


neil moore said...

Maximum, thanks for your comment and observation of SADs.


John said...


Aren't you that intellectually dishonest atheist who refuses to answer any question that shows how weak your ideas really are?

So Healy, you're on a desert island with your girlfriend and a bloke comes along who decides to rape her. You have a gun. What do you do when the bloke refuses to stop?

gwen said...

Healy Hatman seems determined to have a strategy of hit and run, sort of like a sniper. But from what I see it is more hit, miss and run than anything else.

I am reminded of an episode of the TV series MASH wherein, every odd day a North Korean pilot dubbed "Five O'clock Charlie" would fly over the camp in his ricketty biplane to drop a bomb on the munitions tent. He was hopelessly off target so the inhbitants of the camp shed all fear and would even take bets on how many yards "Charlie" would be off target and they would assemble on the ridge to take drinks an observe with interest how far off the mark "Charlie" was.

Perhaps you boys should respond likewise to "Healy Hatman".
