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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Truthing and Loving

In the Sydney Morning Herald this morning, Lord Peter stated:

"It is not unchristian to have serious disagreement over truth. But
here is a biblical command for us all: speak the truth with love."

This from the bloke who called Christians who take an historical
orthodox approach to Genesis 1 and respond to the
Bible's 'philosophical realism' 'rednecks' and 'hillbillies'.

Good one, Peter.

I also reflect on his compatriots who on the Anglican forum have used
a range of disparaging terms for us. Now, I couldn't care less about
what the counter-orthodox call me: I'd be a little disappointed, in
fact, if they relinquished their shrill hubris, but I am concerned
that they move away from real debate to derrogation, and cannot
distinguish between the man and the argument (I think of Michael
Jensen's 'boo hoo' remark as a response to this line of complaint:
this of course says more about MJ than anyone else).

But the general direction of Lord Peter's article in the Herald is
ironically regretful of a rejection of the scriptures which he
himself does with respect to some teachings of Jesus and certainly
the teachings of Moses: syncretically combining religious naturalism
with the revelation of the Spirit, but attacking others for extending
the logic of this practice to human sexual conduct and ecclesiastical

Now, now Peter. Play nicely with your friends.

1 comment:

Ktisophilos said...

I wonder if Lord Peter agrees with his supercilious colleague, the Rev. Gordon Cheng, who has migrated from sitting in the seat of scoffers* to suggesting that YEC might be a "demonic distraction" inspired by Satan's cleverness.

*According to the Apostle Peter, the scoffers were characterized by denying special acts of creation and a global hydraulic cataclysm (2 Pet. 3:3-7).