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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Down For The Count..

On June 22, 2012 I posted a news flash revealing a result of the most recent Census of Australia showing people with "No Religion" now exceeding those ho declare themselves to be Anglican (Episcopalian).

Delving a little deeper into the statistics, a journalist with the Sydney Morning Herald produced an article in last Saturday's edition of the newspaper which can be found here.

I wish I could report better news. The Lord our God deserves to have His Name identified with a more triumphant cause. Additionally, the Church of England cum Anglican cum Episcopalian Church has had some faithful and helpful Ministers of the Word in centuries past. Even here in Australia the Church of England has had a more glorious and influential role in the life of the Great Southern Land that became Australia.

One cannot help but notice that in the Diocese of Sydney - which has prided itself on being the Conservative and Evangelical hub of the Anglican Church in the world - just about all is going wrong.

Consider for a moment the declaration more than ten years ago by the Archbishop of an initiative to get 10% of the population into Bible-believing churches. As the ten year period was approaching the Archbishop, fully supported by the Diocese, launched into Connect '09 for the purpose of connecting with people who were outside the Church. Here it was, the Church now fully engaged in evangelism and fulfilling the Great Commission albeit in Sydney.

However, who, except God in Heaven, would have envisaged the Global Financial Crisis and the Episcopalian Diocese of Sydney found exposed to huge liability through what many would regard as dubious financial investment practice. All this on the eve of Connect '09. Was there not a message in the timing of the burden then imposed on the Diocese?

Year 2009 came and went with efforts from parishes to connect with the surrounding community. There were occasional reports in the Diocesan newspaper Southern Cross of events and connections but it was all far from declarations of the Spirit of God mightily at work. At best one could regard the effect as underwhelming. The Archbishop later studiously examined parish annual statistics and thought he saw a small amount of church growth. Nothing was shown as to the extent of transfer growth (those moving in from declining denominations) included in the 'increase'.

Now comes the stark Census figures showing the greater number of "No Religion" to Anglicans for the first time in the history of the nation and, according to the Sydney Morning Herald article, the Diocese of Sydney cannot just pass off cause to the inclusion of high church and liberalism of other Dioceses in Australia for the reduced Anglican (Episcopalian) statistic because the influence of the Sydney Diocese is diminishing as well.

Isn't it time for the Diocese of Sydney to recognise that something is seriously wrong! What it is doing is not working. There is hardly a sign that the Lord is prepared to bless the work of the Diocese. Ask yourselves, "Would the Lord be prepared to bless an endeavour if the church is not prepared to take Him at His Word?" Repent! Throw out of your theological institution those lecturers who demonstrate they do not trust the Word of God but reinterpret it in the light of what the world tells them. A clean out in ministry throughout the Diocese is also necessary - a Reformation.

Episcopalian Diocese of Sydney you need to know the times. Repent and believe.

Sam Drucker


John said...

Well, Sam, what can one say?

As we've mentioned before, Moore College and its associates have never appeared at the [pagan] Newtown Festival. That is, right in the heart of its own area of [supposed] Mission, it doesn't send along a single evangelist to reach out to the lost. So, am I surprised that the immediate area around Moore (we really should be calling it Less Theological College), as reported by the Herald, has the highest rate of atheism in Australia? Well, not really!

sam drucker said...


It is a bit of a puzzle because parishes invite Moore College students and lecturers into the parish to do evangelism for a week or more - Missionary Week or something like that.

I wonder whether parishes will have a rethink after reading the SMH article and realizing Moore College & Co don't have a good record in their own patch?

Sam Drucker

John said...

In any case, what do you expect when a senior (by virtue of who his daddy is) lecturer at Moore i.e. MICHAEL JENSEN, doesn't even believe that the Bible is free of errors. How can you be confident that what you're saying to the lost is actually correct if you don't believe it is? I guess you really shouldn't even open your mouth. Hey, isn't that what happens?licoote

sam drucker said...

If the church has doubt over Infallibility of Scripture the church is of no worth to the searcher who comes into the church inquiring nor is it of comfort to anyone who lacks assurance of salvation.

Sam Drucker