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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Seven Stanzas

I found this poem on the SAD Greg Clark's site, the same fellow who is able to mock God with metaphor, analogy and sidestepping paganism, etc. It's called Seven Stanzas, and although it's about the Resurrection, this stanza is ironically germane and could be easily stated apropos the creation event.

"The same hinged thumbs and toes,
the same valved heart
that - pierced - died, withered, paused, and then regathered out of
enduring Might new strength to enclose.
Let us not mock God with metaphor,
analogy, sidestepping transcendence;
making of the event a parable, a sign painted in the faded credulity of
earlier ages:
let us walk through the door."


neil moore said...

Oh, but surely this poetry. It can't be speaking of actual physical activities. We can't accept that an event such as hinted at actually happened can we?

Well, so goes the thinking of ISCASTians who cast spells over the thought patterns of New College students.


Warwick said...

Folks Is this Dr Greg Clarke, he who opposes Dawkins? The one who spoke agianst the Dawks latest book, at Snives Anglican?

And what does his poetry mean? What, pray tell, is he trying to say?

John said...

Yes, that's the man, Warwick. As for what the poetry means, you should ask him as he has a PhD in postmodern liratcha, or some such useless postgraduate degree.

Warwick said...

Then he is the man I heard speak at Snives Anglican. He was speaking forcefully against one of Richard Dawkins books, while admitting he believed God used evolution.

In question time I posed the idea, in question form, that he was promoting a 'God of the Gaps', attempting to slot God in here and there, into a belief which needs no God.

He looked rather nervous about this and refused to answer. I was still there when he left the meeting and he scurried off, giving me a backward glance at the door.

My question brought me into contact with quite a few people, some of whom were Moore College students. They quizzed me very respectfully and were totally unaware of the flaws and assumptions in evolution and radiometric dating. They had just accepted the belief uncritically. They also had never come across the books which support Biblical creation, nor those which criticize evolution.

To paraphrase Mies van der Rohe -Moore is less.

neil moore said...

Warwick, your experience with the questioners is interesting. They just aren't given a fair appraisal of the Biblical Creationist (ie Bible faithful) position from Moore College. It is good news for those who are open to trusting the Word of God when the opportunity does present.

As for the escape artist, his actions were typical of those who put more faith in men than in God.
