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Thursday, August 14, 2008


The reading of the Jerusalem Declaration at the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) in June this year was "greeted with enthusiastic applause and an outpouring of emotion that was truly remarkable." So the August 2008 edition of the Sydney Anglican newspaper "Southern Cross' described the occasion. Our Sydney Diocese was strongly represented at the conference.

At last some future was seen for Anglicanism worldwide. A solution was offered to those pesky Archbishops and Bishops of the Anglican Communion who were acquiescing the culture of the world (and not the Word of God) by ordaining practicing homosexuals.

So there we were, the Sydney Anglican Diocese, expressing our assent to the 14 points of The Jerusalem Declaration, standing there shoulder to shoulder with other evangelicals of worldwide Anglicanism, our Archbishop delighting in it all.

But, we were imposters, wolves in sheep's clothing.

Look no further than Point 2 of the Jerusalem Declaration which, according to "Southern Cross", reads: "We believe the holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the word of God written and to contain all things necessary for salvation. The Bible is to be translated, read, preached, taught and obeyed in its plain and canonical sense, respectful of the church's historic and consensual reading."

What? What was that again ... "The Bible is to be translated, read, preached, taught and obeyed in its plain and canonical sense, respectful of the church's historic and consensual reading."

Again and again on this blogspot Biblical Creationists have asserted the plain reading of Genesis 1, its integrity with other canonised Scripture and the church's historic and consensual reading of Genesis 1 (up to the 19th Century). Yet again and again apologists for the 'Name' of the Diocese have come on here urging a-historical, intricate even mystical reading of Genesis 1 - all designed to harmonise Scripture, or more specifically Genesis 1, with the culture of the world.


Neil Moore


Eric said...

Neil, its dynamite, what you say. Either you've exposed the SAD for its hypocrisy, or shown its weakness in the face of materialism, the athiest view and its failure to take the Scriptures into all of life! Hard to know which is sadder!!

I'd go further and say that not only do the Scriptures contain all we need for salvation, but to be saved to live out a new life, all they contain is necessary for us to understand who we are before God, and how we are to act and think in following our Lord.

Given that the Sydney Diocese has let itself become known popularly for sectional rancour, it seems that living out the sacrifical upward call of God in Christ rates a second best to being 'acceptable' to a dominant religion that is unmoved by the quest for acceptability. I refer of course to the humanism of our time.

neil moore said...

Eric, the situation is sadly true.

If the other Anglican communion members are genuine in the pursuit of integrity of Scripture then the Sydney Diocese is likely to be booted out of GAFCON.

If not then the whole Jerusalem Declaration is a charade, open to the charge of hypocrisy by errant Anglican elements, and will crumble.

Neil Moore