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Monday, February 25, 2008

Not happy Gordon!

Reading the posts discussing Gordon Cheng's latest, I reflected on the circuitous route SADists must travel to talk about 'who we really are'. They cannot connect to the real world, so have to leap up into the 'noosphere', joining de Chardin in a futile 'theology-fiction' enterprise (although Sir Peter Medawar referred to de Chardin's writings as 'philosophy-fiction').

But it comes down to this:

"...the creation/evolution issue which, he says, ‘deals with the most important questions in life that every person must answer, such as, ‘Where do I come from?’ Evolution’s answer, he points out, is ultimately that ‘unthinking molecules jumped together by chance’. Biblical creation, he says, implies purpose—to love and serve Christ and our fellow man."

I picked up this very apt quote from an interview with an anatomist.

The vast spread between the two concepts and their implications for the appreciation of self exhausts the credibility, and the evangelical utility of theistic-evolution. That idea just makes its proponents fade to grey in any debate.


Gordon Cheng said...

Oh hi kids! I'd forgotten you were still here until I noticed you'd been reading my blog. Thanks for your ongoing interest, and for directing traffic back to my posts.

Cheers and best regards,


John said...

Hey, Gordon, if I've told you once, I've told you a 1000 times: Crack is bad for your mental health!

sam drucker said...

No problem directing traffic your way, Gordon. The wise will separate truth from error.

As for us, well we are not without faults and are certainly undeserving of God's grace. One thing we are unswerving in holding to is the integrity of God's word. We will criticise those act hypocritically toward God's word


Warwick said...

Gordy's back!

John,considering what the G-man has written here and there his mental health was suspect before the ingestion of any pharmaceutical products.

Directing people to Gordy's blog is somewhat akin to teaching children both evolution and Biblical creation. The foolishness of evolution is thrown into stark relief when they see both sides of the argument.

You see Gordy some unkind soul said you wuz useless but you aren't.

Jase said...

We will never stop holding on to the integrity of God's word.

neil moore said...

Jase is a new name for me and I can't tell where you are coming from Jase when you say "We will never stop holding on to the integrity of God's word."

When God was ordering the working week and Sabbath for Israel at Sinai he said "... for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the seventh day and made it holy."
(Ex. 20:11)

Can you tell me Jase, if a person treating the word of God with integrity can adopt a Theistic Evolution, Gap Theory or Progressive Creation view of Origins based on such a statement from God?

Neil Moore

Jase said...

Hi Neal,

Sorry, it was a bit ambiguous wasn't it? I guess I was identifying myself with your cause.

I believe as you do. The answer to your question is a resounding NO. To do so is to allow the doctrines of man influence scripture which we are clearly told is wrong.

It's as clear as day really...

neil moore said...

Good on ya' Jase! It is a delight to wander through a barren wasteland and stumble upon a gem.

Myself and others would appreciate your contributions to discussion and learn of your experiences.

Neil Moore

Eric said...

Gordon, pleased to see you are still tuning in. Always happy for you to lurk and read, always happy for people to surf from here to there: comparison is a sometimes helpful hand-maiden of truth.