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Friday, May 9, 2008

Connect 09, 10, 11, 12, 13...

Connect 09, like the 10 year mission, reminds me of the futility of 'management by slogan'.

If that's all the SAD has to offer, I think it should change its mission!


Eric said...

The alternative?
1. analyse: what is the problem, or the 'gap' between current and desired state.

2. identify systemic causes of problem.

3. improve system to eliminate problem.

This is a 'day in day out' plan. No flash slogans, just keep on finding problems, and improving systems.

As I see it, the first problem is the Anglican hierarchy disempowers ministry of all believers.

The second problem is the form of services typically deprives the church of its voice: only paid professionals can speak.

The third problem is the dominance of both 'new age' and materialist thinking is underestimated and therefore ignored. So people are not engaged at their points of interest or pain.

The last point is where properly considered talk about our creator comes in.

Nigworth said...

Dear Eric,
I believe that you are right. Unless the Church follows its master, our Lord, and start with people's 'points of pain' as you say, and insists on rote recitation of 'ways to live' detached from people's lives, then it will just hear its own echo, and not the voice of disciples.

neil moore said...

Nigel, as one who has used '2 Ways To Live' in the past I can agree with your sentiment about the weakness of tractarian evangelism.

We must remember that every person is an individual and a rigid order of delivering the gospel message will often 'miss the mark'.

It is almost as if methods such as '2 Ways To Live' are an admission that most people in the Anglican Church are not fit to share their faith and therefore need a quick fix aid.

Neil Moore

Eric said...

Neil, I'd agree with you. The way the Anglican church is structured, that is, to disempower most of the congregation by denying them a voice in the church, and hinging all of church life either on sacraments or sermon, either way, reserving it for 'experts' means that most church goers see the whole thing as either a spectator sport, or something they are not 'expert' enough to participate in.