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Friday, April 11, 2008


I'll bet the SADists are in full caterwauling mode as they whine about the woman bishop in WA. Pity they strain at gnats and let elephants wander around their catherals of partial belief!


Critias said...

I saw the piece on the TV on the appointment of the lady bishop. No problem from my point of view, what I'm stuck on is the question of bishops at all: how can a bible believing church argue about a concept that the've 'debiblicised' from the outset. Their 'bishops' are nothing like the overseers (men and women) in the NT, so its a non-debate.

But, that aside, how funny that the lady bishop is dressed like a man!! ROTFL!! And how funny that the men bishops dress up like ladies in their smocks, dresses, capes and pretty hats (another bout of ROTFL).

I'd give the women's ordination/consecration movement some credence if they challenged the unbiblical practices of ordination and consecration in the first place, challenged the fancy title game and the power structure it perpetuates. But as it is they just tag the titles on their names, in a most unbiblical manner: just like men do.

At least these pathetic pumped up titles will disappear in heaven.

Ktisophilos said...

Of course the SAD can only caterwaul. They can't very well appeal to passages like on church governance where Paul gives his reasoning:

For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. (1 Cor. 11:8–9)

For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. (1 Tim. 2:13–14)

In both of these, Paul accepts the Genesis creation account as real history, including the order of events. But SAD accepts evolution instead, which entails instead that a whole population of humans evolved from a population of ape-like creatures, and no first man who preceded the first woman.