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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Does Sydney Anglican Archbishop Blaspheme Holy Spirit?

It's a big call but I can't help wondering. I just can't help wondering!

All following quotations use the New International Version of the Holy Bible.

In Matthew 12: 22-37 an incident of healing and dialogue from Jesus Christ is recorded by Matthew.

Jesus' healing of the mute is not praised by some of those present. Instead they misapply the activity of Holy Spirit to Beelzebub - "It is only by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons." In reply our Lord argues convincingly that if Satan (or Beelzebub) were to drive out Satan he would be working against himself.

But it is what our Lord goes on to say that has me wondering. He goes on to say "But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you ........ And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come."

Note the context in which our Lord raises the occasion of blaspheming Holy Spirit. It is, in this situation at least, when one speaks against Holy Spirit. And the consequences of blaspheming Holy Spirit are deadly serious.

Consider then Luke's account of this healing of the mute and accompanying dialogue. It can be found in Luke 11: 14-28. There are some differences in the things said by our Lord but that which I quote is "But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you." Note that Luke uses the term "finger of God" instead of "Spirit of God". This is significant. Most commentators would say that it doesn't matter whether Holy Spirit or finger of God is used because it is all the same - it is the power of God. Fair enough, we can accept that because the magicians in Pharaoh's court attributed the plagues to the finger of God (Ex. 8:19).

Now cast your attention to Moses' recording in Exodus 31:18 and Deuteronomy 9:10 that the Tablets of the Testimony (ten commandments) were "inscribed by the finger of God". What is recorded then is that Holy Spirit (or finger of God) inscribed, among other important words, on the two tablets of stone "For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."

When the Archbishop of the Sydney Anglican Diocese, Peter Jensen, holds to the opinion that the creative process undertaken by Father, Son and Holy Spirit was over a period of more than six days, as a Theistic Evolution position requires, then isn't the Archbishop denying the very words inscribed by Holy Spirit? Isn't he and other Theistic Evolutionists speaking against Holy Spirit? Aren't they saying that Holy Spirit didn't do what He inscribed on the tablets of stone?

Is this blaspheming Holy Spirit?

I'm not sure, but the Archbishop and his likeminded Anglican (or Episcopalian as Sam Drucker prefers to call them) friends in Sydney ought to examine their behaviour carefully. They ought not dismiss this matter lightly because the consequences are serious, deadly serious.

Please advise?

Neil Moore


Warwick said...

When reading this posting I was reminded of CraigS the AngloBlogger whose passionate hatred of his young earth brothers caused him to wish that evil would befall Creation Ministries International. You may remember I recommended he read the Clarrie Briese report to get a balanced & truthful view of the origins & details of the AiG/CMI conflict. For those who don't know Mr Briese was NSW Chief Magistrate & well known & respected as a very courageous fighter against corruption. He is a man of first-class repute & of high standing in the Anglican community.

This also came to mind yesterday when Mr Briese was mentioned as a corruption fighter on 2GB.

Those who have followed the blogs here will remember I challenged CraigS on a few occasions to read the Briese report & then admit to the truth of the situation.

It is obvious that CraigS held evil in his heart towards CMI, based upon malice & ignorance, not knowing the truth of the matter, nor being prepared to search for the facts. Surely a true Christian would investigate the truth & if necessary apologize for the evil views & hatred held? Silence speaks doesn't it?

sam drucker said...

A reply to Neil's question has required some thought from me.

As I see it, the scene of the Lord Jesus Christ issuing the caution to the Pharisees etc for rejecting the validity of the Holy Spirit working in the healing of the mute.

It seems to me that those who reject what the Holy Spirit said in the inscription on the tablets are also rejecting the validity of the Holy Spirit's work. On this basis I am left to conclude that Theistic Evolutionists do blaspheme the Holy Spirit.

Sam Drucker

Warwick said...

Sam on another site recently a Christian bloger wrote words to the effect of- don't worry about the age of the earth it doesn't matter, it's a side issue etc. I asked him what is the main issue to which he replied- The Gospel. I asked him to define the Gospel which he quite reasonably did via quotes from Paul. I asked- doesn't the same Paul say that death entered the world only because of Adam's sin. And doesn't your long-ages view have death before sin? Silence.

I quite reasonably assume his silence occurred because he for the first time came to understand that the age of the earth does matter, & matters eternally.

I have the feeling that he was a genuine man who looked at the Gospel afresh & now seeing that his view must entail death before sin. This being in direct contradiction to the words of Paul, the same Paul who supplied him with his understanding of the one & only Gospel.

I doubt this man came to this Gospel undermining view on his own but was led astray by those who do pervert the plain meaning of Scripture for non-Biblical reasons. Therefore as they teach contrary to what the Holy Spirit inspired men to write, they are rejecting the Word of God as did the pharisees. A brood of vipers, as John The Baptist called them.

No light matter. We can only pray that Biblical compromisers will come to their senses, listen to God, not man, & return to the straight-forward of the Bible, beginning with Genesis, before it is too late.

Ktisophilos said...

Saying that the time frame of creation doesn't matter is really saying that it doesn't matter what God said!.

As Warwick said, these long-age views place death before Adam's sin, so undermine the basis for the Last Adam's death and resurrection.

sam drucker said...

I do worry that the belief that many have today tends to treat the Lord God with contempt. Warwick, the Gospel message your correspondent espoused is common and I think it tends to have the holder fail to respect the Lord God in all his holiness.

It is like, "Jesus Christ has done it all for me and, being adopted into Jesus Christ, I am a son of God and will receive all that flows from that". As so many take their earthly father for granted they also take their heavenly and true Father for granted. Consider the Scriptures. The faithful and loving son always had highest respect for his earthly father and the words of that father.

My mind turns to the Lord God's dealings with Israel in the time of Eli the priest. Eli's sons had no respect for the Lord God and penalty for disregard was serious. Israel diminished the ark of God to some sort of lucky charm in battle and copped the consequences for it. The Ark of God was lost to the Philistines. When it finally was returned to the Israelites seventy of them were struck down by the Lord God for showing contempt by looking into the ark of God.

Yes, far too much contempt can occur in those who receive great privilege from the Lord God. Failure to take the Lord God at His word can have serious consequences for those adopted as the children of God.

Sam Drucker